Seguin – Historical Walk – Year Round Walk

DISTANCES: 10km/5km (6.2mi/3.1mi) Both routes are rated 1A. The 10km walk goes along shaded city streets, through neighborhoods, a municipal golf course, and a park and historical sites. It follows the Guadalupe River and goes through the downtown square. The 5km walk is mostly in the downtown area. The routes may be walked TWICE on the same Start Card for 20km distance credit.
STARTING POINT: Seguin Library, 313 W Nolte Street, Seguin TX 78155
START AND FINISH TIMES: The library may be closed during holidays; you may call them at (830) 401-2422 to verify hours. Please walk during daylight hours. The library is open: Mon – Thu: 9:00am to 8:00pm Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm Sat: 9:00am to 5:00pm Sun: 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Seguin, the county seat of Guadalupe County, was established in 1838 by members of Mathew Caldwell’s Gonzales Rangers, but was not incorporated until 1853. It was originally called Walnut Springs for the nearby fresh water sources. Just six months later the name was changed to honor Colonel Juan N. Seguin, one of Sam Houston’s Lieutenants during the struggle for Texas’ independence. Col. Seguin participated in the victory at San Jacinto and later served as a Republic of Texas Senator and as Mayor of San Antonio. Pronounce it se-GEEN.

Saffold Dam was named for William Saffold, who owned land in the Mid-1800s. Saffold dam is typical of many mill dams built during the late 19th and early 20th Century. Originally a natural rock outcropping, the dam was first improved by Henry Troell in the late 1800s when he added rock to the dam to raise the water level to power a cotton gin.

Col. Juan Seguin Statue This bronze sculpture pays tribute to the Tejano patriot who fought against Santa Anna. He was known as the “Paul Revere” of the Alamo, one of General Sam Houston’s messengers, and was sent to warn the settlers of Santa Anna’s coming attack. This triggered the “Runaway Scrape” in which settlers fled their homes to escape the certain carnage.

The “World’s Largest Pecan” The five-feet long, two-and-a-half feet wide concrete nut was erected in 1962 and sits in front of the Guadalupe County District Courthouse. Guadalupe County is a large producer of pecans and often claims the nickname “Pecan Capital of Texas.”
Seguin is about 40 miles northeast of San Antonio; 65 miles south of Austin, 250 miles south of Dallas,160 miles west of Houston and 1,800 miles south-west of New York City.
STARTING POINT: Seguin Library, 313 W Nolte Street, Seguin TX 78155
Going East on I-10 take Exit-609 (TX-BUS 123/Austin St.) Turn Right (South.) Going West on I-10 take Exit-609. Turn Left (South.) Continue South on Austin ST passing Court ST (US-90A.) Go two blocks and turn right (west) on Nolte St. Go about 3 blocks and the library will be on your Left